Curs SCRUM for Product Owners
Ce face un Product Owner intr-un proiect SCRUM
- Cod curs: 508
- Durata curs: 3 zile
- Nivel curs: Intermediar
- Disponibil: Clasic (in sala), Online (cu instructor)

Cursul SCRUM for Product Owners descrie responsabilitatile rolului Product Owner in cadrul metodologiei SCRUM si ofera o fundatie solida privind documentele, metodele si tehnicile pe care le foloseste acest rol intr-un proiect SCRUM.
Cursul are exercitii practice prin care participantii vor practica rolul de Product Owner cum ar fi definirea viziunii de produs si a planului de dezvoltare a produsului (Product Roadmap), elaborarea listei cu cerinte (Product Backlog) si prioritizarea cerintelor in functie de valoarea de business, pregatirea cerintelor pentru implementarea interativa si incrementala. Un Product Backlog cu cerinte corect definite si estimate este fundatia care asigura succesul unui proiect SCRUM.
Rolul Product Owner este unul complex, care insumeaza mai multe roluri si care sunt diferite fata de cele utilizate intr-o metodologie de tip waterfall(Client, Sponsor, Product Manager, Business Analyst, Project Manager).
Structura curs "SCRUM for Product Owners"
Modul 1 – Introduction to SCRUM
- Introduction to Agile
- Agile Manifesto & Principles
- Agile development Approach
- Introduction to SCRUM. Definition. History. SCRUM Overview
- SCRUM Team: Product Owner (PO), Development Team (DT), Scrum Master (SM)
- SCRUM Events: Sprint Planning Meeting, Sprint, Daily SCRUM Meeting, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective
- SCRUM Artifacts: Overview, Product Backlog, Definition of Done
Modul 2 – Product Owner Role
- Product Owner – Role Overview
- Product Owner – Principal Responsibilities:
- Manage Economics, Participate in Planning, Groom the Product Backlog, Define Acceptance Criteria and Verify That They Are Met, Collaborate with SCRUM Team, Collaborate with Stakeholders
- Characteristics/Skills of the product owner role
- Who Should Be a Product Owner?
- Product Owner in specific projects: Internal Development, Commercial Development, Outsourced Development Project, Component Development
- Product Owner Combined with Other Roles
- Product Owner Team
- Product Owner Hierarchies
- Common Mistakes for PO Role
- Job Description for the Product Owner
- Checklist for selecting Product Owner
Modul 3. Envisioning the Product – key activity of Product Owner
- Introduction to SCRUM Multilevel Planning
- Types of Planning
- Product Planning (Envisioning) Overview
- Product Vision. Vision Formats
- High Level (Initial) Product Backlog
- Product Roadmap
- Product Planning – Common Mistakes
Modul 4. Product Backlog (PBL) – key deliverable of Product Owner (PO)
- Product Backlog. Definition, The role of Product Owner in Creating the PBL
- Product Backlog Items
- Good Product Backlog Characteristics: DEEP
- Grooming Product Backlog. Activities. Who Does the Grooming? When Does Grooming Take Place? What is teh responability of Product Owner
- Definition of Ready. Delivering high quality Requirements
- Release Level View of Product Backlog
- Common Mistakes of Product Owner– Working the Product Backlog
Modul 5. Product Backlog Items, User Stories
- The elements of a Product Backlog. Types of Product Backlog Items (PBI).
- When a Product Owner should use User Stories?
- User Stories. Definition, Examples. Characteristics of User Stories. User Stories vs. Use Case
- 3 Cs of User Stories: Card, Conversation, Confirmation
- Level of Detail: Epics, Features, Theme, Stories, Tasks
- How a Product Owner creates good user stories Criteria: INVEST
- Other Requirements
- Nonfunctional Requirements
- Collecting User Stories and creating the Product Backlog
- User-Story-Writing Workshop
- Story Mapping
Modul 6. Agile Estimating techniques used by Development Team
- Product Backlog Items Estimation Concepts. Who estimates in SCRUM?
- The role of Product Owner in the estimation process
- Relationship between size, velocity, duration
- Estimating Product Backlog
- Estimating Sprint Backlog (Task Estimates)
- Product Backlog Items Estimation Units
- Planning Poker
- Other estimation methods
Modul 7. Release Planning – key activity of Product Owner
- Release Planning Overview. The Role of Product Owner
- Release Strategies. Release Planning Process. Reviewing Release Constraints
- Grooming the Product Backlog.
- Refine Minimum Releasable Features (MRFs). Definition
- Types of Release Planning: Fixed-Date-Release, Fixed-Scope-Release
- Calculating Release Cost
- Communicating Progress for Releases: Fixed-Scope-Release Burndown Chart: Fixed-Scope-Release Burnup Chart: Special Fixed-Date-Release Burnup Chart
Modul 8. Sprint planning
- Sprint Planning – Introduction. Sprint Planning Process
- What the Product Owner should do in Sprint Planning Meeting. Role and deliverables of Product Owner.
- Sprint Goal
- Sprint Backlog
- Selecting Product Backlog Items
- Slicing the Product Backlog Items
- Validating the Sprint Backlog
Module 9. Sprint Review – key activity of Product Owner
- What Product Owner should do in Sprint Review Meeting.
- Role and deliverables of Product Owner
- Sprint Review – Overview
- Sprint Review Prework
- Approach for Sprint Review
- Participants
- Process
- Sprint Review Issues
- Sprint Review – Summary
Module 10 – Sprint Retrospective
- What Product Owner should do in Sprint Review Meeting.
- Role and deliverables of Product Owner
- Sprint Retrospective – Overview
- Approach for Sprint Retrospective
- Participants
- Process
- Sprint Retrospective Issues
Modul 11 – Agile Modeling Techniques
A. Requirements Elicitation techniques- overview
- Eliciting Requirements in Agile Projects
- Requirements Source List, Stakeholder Analysis
- Agile elicitation techniques: Brainstorming, Document Analysis, Focus Group, Interviews with stakeholders, Observation, Storyboarding, Requirements Workshop, Functional Decomposition
B. Business analysis on agile projects – overview
- Personas
- User Story
- Story Decomposition. Story Elaboration. Story Mapping
- Backlog Management
- Wall Estimation and Prioritization
Obiective / Beneficii curs "SCRUM for Product Owners"
La sfarsitul acestui curs, participantii vor fi capabili:
- Sa participe intr-un proiect SCRUM ca Product Owner
- Sa inteleaga rolul de Product Owner
- Sa elaboreze viziunea produsului
- Sa pregateasca si intretina lista prioritizata de cerinte (Product Backlog)
- Sa scrie User Stories
- Sa participe eficient la evenimentele unui proiect SCRUM ((sprint planning meetings, sprint review)
- Sa colaboreze cu echipa de dezvoltare (development team)
Audienta la cursul "SCRUM for Product Owners"
- Business Analyst
- Project Manager
- Product Manager
- SCRUM Masters
- orice persoana care este implicata in procesul de definire a cerintelor intr-un proiect agile
Cunostinte preliminare necesare
Pentru a beneficia din plin de acest training “SCRUM for Product Owners” recomandam participantilor:
- sa citeasca The Official Scrum Guide – Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland
- sa aiba experienta de lucru cu metodologia SCRUM
- sa fie familiari cu principalele tehnici de analiza (business analysis)
* Preturile nu includ TVA.
* Pentru persoanele fizice NU se aplica TVA.
Programul cursului este zilnic 9:00 -17:00 (pentru cursurile cu instructor)

Certificari corelate cu acest curs
Cunostintele dobandite la acest curs pot contribui la intelegerea, structurarea si consolidarea conceptelor necesare pentru examenele de certificare (vezi certificarile corelate de mai jos).
*Certificarea se obtine printr-un examen de certificare
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Acest curs este aliniat (respecta) cele mai bune practici si tehnici din urmatoarele standarde internationale:
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