Curs Lean Six Sigma – Fundamentals
Lean Six Sigma – Fundamente
- Cod curs: 804
- Durata curs: 3 zile
- Nivel curs: Initiere
- Disponibil: Clasic (in sala)
Cursul Lean Six Sigma – Fundamente este recomandat echipelor de proiect care doresc sa inteleaga si sa aplice modelul Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC). DMAIC este metodologia fundamentala pentru toate proiectele Six Sigma.
Cursul se bazeaza pe conceptul 20/80 – 20% efort / 80% rezultate!
Lean Six Sigma este o metodologie de proiect pentru imbunatatirea proceselor de business, rezultand in identificarea si implementarea unor solutii privind scaderea costurilor, cresterea vitezei de procesare, a calitatii produselor sau serviciilor, reducerea erorilor.
Structura curs "Lean Six Sigma – Fundamentals"
1 – Introduction in Lean Six Sigma (DMAIC) Methodology
- What is Six Sigma
- Cost Of Poor Quality. Why do we need process improvement?
- Applying Six Sigma in real life – examples of projects
- Six Sigma Organization. Roles in Six Sigma projects:Team, Green Belt, White Belt, Black Belt, Champions, Six Sigma Steering Comitee
Lean Six Sigma Methodology overview (DMAIC)
- Six Sigma Project Phases
- Six Sigma Project Deliverables
- Six Sigma Project Team
- Six Sigma Templates
- Lean principles
- Case Studies, Examples of real Six Sigma projects
2 – Lean Six Sigma – DEFINE Phase
- Define Project Roadmap & Objectives
- Defining the Customer’ Requirements
- Identifying and segmenting key Customers.
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Stakeholder Map
- Voice Of The Customer (VOC)
- Critical to Quality Requirements (CTQs)
- Translating Voice of the Customer (VOC) in CTQs
- Developing CTQs – Process Output Characteristics, KPIs
- Analyzing & Prioritizing Customer Requirements
- Kano Analysis
Project Charter – Planning and Organizing the Six Sigma Project
- Six Sigma Project Charter Example
- Defining the Project
- Process Stakeholder Analysis
- Organization Chart
- High-Level Process Mapping
- Process Levels
- Setting the Objectives for Process Improvement
DEFINE – Practical Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement Simulation
- Develop a threat / opportunity matrix
- Develop a SIPOC
- Develop stakeholder analysis and influence strategy
- Perform a KANO analysis
- Define CTQ: output characteristic, KPI, measurement criteria, target, specification , defect/operational definitions
- Develop an AS-IS process map (cross-functional flowchart)
3 – Lean Six Sigma MEASURE Phase
- Lean Six Sigma Measure Phase – Introduction & Objectives
- Basic Measurement Principles
- Identifying Process Input / Output Measure
- X/Y Matrix
- Data Collection
- Segmentation
- Operational Definition Elements
- Sampling
- Principles of Measurement systems analysis – MSA
- Data Collection Plan
- Understanding the Data obtained from process measurement
- Data Analysis. Types of Data
- Histograms
- Pareto Chart
- Pie Chart
- The Normal Curve
- Normal Probability Plot
- Central Tendency
- Run Charts
- Control Charts
- Process Capability Measurement and Analysis
- Process Baseline – current process performance
- Baseline Process Performance
- Sigma Level
- Determining Process Sigma Level
- Defects per milion opportunities (DPMO)
- Sigmal Level for continous and discrete data
- Proportion Defective & Process Yield Calculation
- Process Capability due to Short and Long Term Variation
MEASURE – Practical Six Sigma Process Improvement Simulation
- Develop data collection plan
- Select segmentation factors
- Define operational definitions for process accuracy/error level and total cycle time
- Define with your team a data collection process
- Create a data collection form to record data for your AS-IS process
- Calculate required sample size for measuring the process
- Simulate and Measure your Process
- Establish Process Baseline
- Use Minitab to measure process capability.
4 – Lean Six Sigma ANALYZE Phase
- Lean Six Sigma Analyze phase – Introduction
- Overview of process Analysis Tools
- Process Analysis
- Process Map Analysis. Sub-process mapping.
- Flowcharts
- Workflow analysis
- Process Value Analysis
- Cause & Effect Diagram
- The Five Whys
- Graphical Data Analysis. Graphical Analysis Tools
- Segmentation and Stratification
- Pareto Chart
- Scatter Diagram. Veryfing process causes for variation
- Statistical Process Analysis
- Linear Regression
- Identifying the Root Causes for process problems
Lean Six Sigma ANALYZE – Practical Six Sigma Process Improvement Simulation
- Identify and validate root causes and show Vital Few.
- Analyze the process (Data segmentation and stratification , Fishbone and 5 Why’s, Regression)
- Prepare a graphical display of the process information.
- Show the Vital Few
5 – Lean Six Sigma IMPROVE Phase
- Lean Six Sigma Improve Phase – Roadmap & Objectives
- Identifying and selecting Process Improvement Solution
- Generate Solutions
- Benchmarking
- Brainstorming/Modified Brainstorming
- Solution Screening Tools
- Solution Selection Matrix
- To-Be Process Map
- Financial Impact of Solutions
- Cost/Benefit Analysis
- Validating / Testing Process Improvement Solution
- Modeling
- Simulation
- Pilot Solution. Pilot Plan
- Process Risk Planning.
- Potential Problem Analysis
- Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
- Implementing Process Improvement Solutions
- Implementation Plan
- Stakeholder Management
- Project Storyboard
IMPROVE – Practical Six Sigma Process Improvement Simulation
- Generate and select a solution with your team
- Draw a TO-BE process map of the new process (solution)
- Develop a FMEA for the new process
- Solution cost / benefit analysis
- Implement your new process, measure the data and calculate improved sigma level.
- Run process again and measure data
- Measure new processs
- Draw control chart
- calculate new sigma value (new process capability)
6 – Lean Six Sigma CONTROL Phase
- Control Phase – Roadmap & Overview
- Process Control. Process Charts for Managing the process
- Run Charts. Responding to Special and Common Cause Variation
- Control Charts. Control Limits vs. Specification Limits
- Process Monitoring Plan
- Creating Processs KPI and Dashboards
- Response Plan
- Project Documentation
- Process Procedures
- Solution Transfer Plan
- Solution Roll-out
- Project Closure
- Lessons Learned
7 – Lean Six Sigma (DMAIC) Methodology Review
Obiective / Beneficii curs "Lean Six Sigma – Fundamentals"
La sfarsitul acestui training participantii vor avea cunostintele necesare si vor fi capabili:
- Sa aplice metododolgia Lean Six Sigma pentru imbunatatirea proceselor utilizand DMAIC
- Sa participe eficient in echipe de proiect de tip Lean Six Sigma
- Sa foloseasca un set de instrumente si metode de masurare a proceselor existente si sa stabileasca care este performanta actuala de la care se porneste efortul de imbunatatire (as is)
- sa identifice cauzele problemelor folosind un set de tehnici si concepte specifice
- sa identifice solutii de imbunatatire (inc KPIs) si sa monitorizeze atinderea perfomantei dorite (to be)
- Sa stabileasca metode de control ale proceselor de business
Audienta la cursul "Lean Six Sigma – Fundamentals"
- Manageri de Proiect
- Sponsori, Project Owners, Management Executiv
- Manageri de Departamente: Marketing, Vanzari, Tehnic, Productie, R&D, HR, Financiar, Calitate
- Membrii echipelor de proiect care participa in proiecte de tip Six Sigma
- Persoane care doresc sa cunoasca abordarea Six Sigma
Cunostinte preliminare necesare
Nu sunt necesare cunostinte preliminare.
* Preturile nu includ TVA.
* Pentru persoanele fizice NU se aplica TVA.
Programul cursului este zilnic 9:00 -17:00 (pentru cursurile cu instructor)
Certificari corelate cu acest curs
Cunostintele dobandite la acest curs pot contribui la intelegerea, structurarea si consolidarea conceptelor necesare pentru examenele de certificare (vezi certificarile corelate de mai jos).
*Certificarea se obtine printr-un examen de certificare
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