Curs Lean Six Sigma – Black Belt
Lean Sigma – nivel Black Belt
- Cod curs: 803
- Durata curs: 14 zile
- Nivel curs: Avansat
- Disponibil: Clasic (in sala)
Cursul Lean Six Sigma – Black Belt aprofundeaza conceptele si tehnicile utilizate in aplicarea în fazele ciclului de viata: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC).
Nivelul cursului este avansat si include abordarea detaliata a metodelor statistice pe care deja le folosesc project managerii de nivel Green Belt. Pentru exemplificare si rezolvarea exercitiilor din curs, instructorul foloseste Minitab.
Lean Six Sigma este o metodologie de proiect pentru imbunatatirea proceselor de business, rezultand in identificarea si implementarea unor solutii privind scaderea costurilor, cresterea vitezei de procesare, a calitatii produselor sau serviciilor, reducerea erorilor.
Structura curs "Lean Six Sigma – Black Belt"
Module 1 – Introduction Lean Six Sigma – DMAIC Methodology
- What is Six Sigma
- DMAIC – A logical Approach to Problem Solving
- What is Lean?
- Lean and the Six Sigma
- Six Sigma (DMAIC) Structure
- Six Sigma Project Phases
- Six Sigma Project Deliverables
- Six Sigma Project Team
- Six Sigma TemplatesBuilding a Lean Six Sigma Program
- Different Types of Lean Six Sigma Projects
- Where do Lean Six Sigma Projects come from?
- Managing Lean Six Sigma Projects
- Minitab – Overview
Module 2 – Six Sigma – DEFINE Phase
- Problem Statement
- Goal Statement
- Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)
- Voice of the Customer (VOC), Kano Analysis
- House of Quality
- Critical to Quality (CTQ) Trees
- SIPOC – High Level Process Mapping
- Project Structure and Project Plans
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Project Documents
- Facilitation Skills
- Effective Teams and Meetings
- Project Charter
- DEFINE Phase Review
DEFINE – Practical Six Sigma Process Improvement Simulation/Workshops
- Workshop D 1:
- Develop a threat / opportunity matrix
- Develop a SIPOC
- Develop stakeholder analysis and influence strategy
- Workshop D 2:
- Perform a KANO analysis
- Define CTQ: output characteristic, KPI, measurement criteria, target, specification , defect/operational definitions
- Workshop D 3:
- Develop a High Level AS-IS process map (cross-functional flowchart
- Workshop D 4:
- Develop the Project Charter
Module 3. Six Sigma – MEASURE Phase
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- KPI Trees
- Lean Measures (PCE,OEE, Takt Time, etc)
- Statistics for process “Position” / “Spread”
- Operational Definitions
- Data Worlds (Continuous/Count/Atribute Data)
- Data Collection Methods
- Data Collection Plans and Sampling
- Minimum Sample Sizes
- Sampling Frequency
- Contextual Data
- Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
- Bias and Precision
- Measurement System Resolution
- Gauge Repeatability & Reproducibility (GR&R)
- Continuous GR&R in Minitab
- Attribute GR&R in Minitab
- MSA Drilldown
- Distribution shapes and the Normal Distributions
- Normal Distribution in Theory and Practice
- 1st pass Analysis
- Process Stability and Short/Long Term Variation
- Process Capability
- Capability Analysis Normal Data
- Capability Analysis Non-normal Data
- Cp, Cpk, PPM, DPMO measures
- Calculating % Defective
- Sigma Levels
- Sigma Shift
- Measure Phase Review
MEASURE – Practical Six Sigma Process Improvement Simulation/Workshops
- Workshop M 1: Develop data collection plan in order to take relevant measures about the process during Process Simulation
- Select segmentation factors
- Define operational definitions for process accuracy/error level and total cycle time
- Define with your team a data collection process
- Create a data collection form to record data for your AS-IS process
- Calculate required sample size for measuring the process
- Workshop M 2: Simulate and Measure your Process
- run process for 40 customers and measure your process
- Workshop M 3: Establish Process Baseline by calculating:
- Accuracy: DPMO-method
- Cycle time: z-value
- Convert to Sigma Levels
Module 4. ANALYZE Phase
- Process Analysis (Process Door Approach)
- Process Mapping
- Value Stream Mapping
- Time Value Maps
- The Five Laws of Lean
- The Seven Wastes
- Spaghetti Diagrams
- Brainstorming
- 5 Whys
- Fishbone (Cause and Effect) Diagrams
- Affinity Diagrams
- Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
- Process Data Analysis (Data Door Approach)
- Minitab – Data Types, Manipulation and Graphs
- Minitab’s “Display Descriptive Statistics”
- Histograms
- Dot Plots
- Minitab’s Graphical Summary
- Probability Plots
- Time Series Plots
- Run Charts
- Pareto Analysis/Charts
- Data Stratification
- Box Plots
- Individual Value Plots
- 100% Stacked Bar Charts
- Scatter Plots
- Matrix Plots
- Graphical Results to Statistical Significance
- Confidence Intervals
- Hypothesis testing
- Hypothesis Tests for Average
- 2 Sample t-test
- 1 Sample t-test
- Paired t-test
- One Way ANOVA
- Tuckey’s Quick Test
- Hypothesis Tests for Median
- 1 Sample Sign Test
- Kruskal-Wallis Test
- Mood’s Median Test
- Hypothesis Tests for Variation
- Minitab’s Test for Equal Variance
- Hypothesis Tests for Proportions
- 1 Proportion test
- 2 Proportion test
- Chi Square test
- Normality Test (Anderson Darling)
- Individual Distribution Identification
- Correlation and Regression Overview
- Pearson Coefficient
- Simple Regression and Mintab’s Fitted Line Plot
- Checking the model (residuals analysis)
- Multiple Regression
- Binary Logistic Regression
- Design of Experiments (DOE) – Overview
- DOE – Approach
- 2-Level Full Factorial Designs
- Full Factorial Example
- Analyzing the results
- Refining the model
- Calculating the process model
- Fractional Factorial Designs
- Fractional Factorial Example
- Analyzing the results
- Checking the confounding
- Minitab’s Design of Experiments
- ANALYZE Phase Review
ANALYZE – Practical Six Sigma Process Improvement Simulation/Workshops
- Workshop A 1: Identify and validate root causes and show Vital Few.
- Analyze the process (Data segmentation and stratification , Fishbone and 5 Why’s, Regression)
- Prepare a graphical display of the process information.
- Show the Vital Few
Module 5. Six Sigma – IMPROVE Phase
- Negative Brainstorming and Assumptions Busting
- Error Proofing and Benchmarking
- Chain Letters and Billboards
- Assessment Criteria
- Paired Comparisons
- Prioritization Matrix
- Pugh Matrix
- Solution Screening and Pilot Studies
- 5S
- Visual Management
- IMPROVE phase Review
IMPROVE – Practical Six Sigma Process Improvement Simulation/Workshops
- Workshop I 1: Generate and select a solution with your team
- Draw a TO-BE process map of the new process (solution)
- Develop a FMEA for the new process
- Solution cost / benefit analysis
- Prepare a presentation for your Milestone review
- Workshop I 2: Implement your new process, measure the data and calculate improved sigma level.
- Make an implementation plan for the new process (Room set-up, teams, training, etc)
- Adapt all necessary forms according to your new process
- Develop a simplified data collection plan (operational definition, sample size)
- Present solution
- Workshop I 3:Run process again and measure data
- Measure new process
- Draw control chart
- calculate new sigma value (new process capability)
- Prepare Milestone Review
Module 6. CONTROL Phase
- Control Phase – Roadmap & Overview
- Statistical Process Control (SPC) – Process Charts for Managing the process
- Overview SPC – Approach
- I-MR Charts
- X Bar – R Charts
- U Charts
- P Charts
- Control Plans
- Standardized Processes
- Project Documentation
- Process Procedures
- Solution Transfer Plan
- Process Monitoring Plan
- Creating Process KPI and Dashboards
- Response Plan Solution Roll-out
- Project Closure
- Project Reports and Action Logs
- Lessons Learned
- CONTROL Phase – Review
Module 7 – Six Sigma (DMAIC) Methodology Review
Obiective / Beneficii curs "Lean Six Sigma – Black Belt"
La sfarsitul acestui training participantii vor avea cunostintele necesare si vor fi capabili:
- Sa aplice metododolgia Lean Six Sigma in proiecte complexe privind imbunatatirea proceselor utilizand ciclul DMAIC
- Sa foloseasca metode statistice avansate pentru analiza proceselor
- Sa foloseasca un set de instrumente si metode de masurare a proceselor existente si sa stabileasca care este performanta actuala de la care se porneste efortul de imbunatatire (as is)
- sa identifice cauzele problemelor folosind un set de tehnici si concepte specifice
- sa identifice solutii de imbunatatire (inc KPIs) si sa monitorizeze atinderea perfomantei dorite (to be)
- Sa stabileasca structuri si metode de control ale proceselor de business
Audienta la cursul "Lean Six Sigma – Black Belt"
- Persoanele care au o deja formare in Six Sigma, au participat in proiecte Six Sigma si doresc sa aprofundeze aparatul matematic statistic
- Persoane certificate Six Sigma Green Belt
- Persoanele care doresc sa se pregateasca pentru examenul de certificare Six Sigma Black Belt
Cunostinte preliminare necesare
Pentru a beneficia din plin de acest training recomandam participantilor:
- sa aiba o experienta practica in aplicarea metodologiei Six Sigma si cel putin un proiect derulat cu succes
- sau echivalent, sa detina certificarea Green Belt
* Preturile nu includ TVA.
* Pentru persoanele fizice NU se aplica TVA.
Programul cursului este zilnic 9:00 -17:00 (pentru cursurile cu instructor)
Certificari corelate cu acest curs
Cunostintele dobandite la acest curs pot contribui la intelegerea, structurarea si consolidarea conceptelor necesare pentru examenele de certificare (vezi certificarile corelate de mai jos).
*Certificarea se obtine printr-un examen de certificare
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