Curs Operations Management – Fundamentals
Managementul Operatiunilor – Fundamente
- Cod curs: 400
- Durata curs: 3 zile
- Nivel curs: Initiere
- Disponibil: Clasic (in sala), Online (cu instructor)
Cursul Managementul Operatiunilor – Fundamente adreseaza toate aspectele necesare pentru derularea in mod eficient a activitatilor operationale curente dintr-o companie.
Participantii la curs parcurg elementele fundamentale necesare pentru a putea organiza activitatea curenta, incepand cu definirea profilului operational, crearea produselor, optimizarea proceselor, alocarea resurselor, dimensionarea capacitatii de procesare / servire a unui departament, planificarea achizitiilor si stocurilor, implementarea de proiecte de investitii, eliminarea erorilor si cresterea satisfactiei clientilor si angajatilor.
Structura curs "Operations Management – Fundamentals"
Module 1 – Operations Management Concepts
- What is operations management?
- Operations function. Operations Managers.
- Core Operations functions
- Relationship of operations functions and other core business functions
- Why is operations management important
- Operation process model. Process hierarchy
- Characteristics of Operation processes. The 4 Vs of operations
- The activities of operations management
- Operations Performance.
- How operations affect profit
- The Five Management Objectives: Quality, speed, flexibility, cost, dependability
- Relationships between performance objectives
- Operations Strategy
- Four Perspectives of Operations Strategy
Module 2 – Designing and Planning Operations
- Process Design
- Process Design Objectives: Quality, Speed, Dependability, Flexibility, Cost
- Process Types.
- Manufacturing Process Types.
- Service Process Types
- Throughput, cycle time, WIP.
- Make or Buy Decisions
- Outsourcing and Off shoring
- Location of operational capacity
- Factors to decide location of capacity
- Forecasting
- Qualitative methods
- Quantitative methods
- Operations Layout and Flow
- What is layout?
- Relationship between process types and optimal layout
- Basic Layout Types: fixed-position, functional layout, cell layout, product layout, mixed layouts
- Selecting a layout type
- Technology for Operations
- Materials Processing Technology
- Information Technology (IT)
- Customer Processing Technology
- People and Organization
- Importance and influence of people on Operations
- Human Resource Strategy for Operations Management
- Organization Design
- Perspectives on organization
- Forms of Organization Structure: U, M, matrix, N. Advantages and Disadvantages
Module 3 – Operations Planning and Control
- What is Planning and Control
- How Supply and Demand affects planning and control
- Planning and control activities
- Loading
- Sequencing
- Scheduling
- Monitoring and Controlling the operations
Module 4 – Capacity Planning and Control
- What is Capacity Management
- Measuring Demand and Capacity: Utilization, Efficiency
- Alternative Capacity Plans
- Level capacity plan, chase demand, demand management, mixed plans
- Methods of adjusting operations capacity
- Yield management
- Capacity planning and control approaches
- Cumulative Representations
- Queuing models. Types of queuing (waiting line) models: MM1, MMm, GG1, GGm
Module 5 – Inventory Planning and Control
- Concepts.
- Types of inventory
- Disadvantages to holding inventory
- Ordering inventory
- Volume decision
- Timing decision
Module 6 – Supply Chain Management
- What is Supply Chain Management
- Supply Chain Management Activities
- Purchasing
- Supplier selection
- Distribution
- Supply Chain Relationships: B2B, B2C
- Supply Chain Improvement
- SCOR Model
- Techniques for supply chain management
- Bullwhip effect
Module 7 – Project Planning and Control
- What is a Project
- Successful Project Management
- Project Managers
- Project Planning and Control process
- Project Initiation. Stakeholders. Managing Stakeholders
- Project Definition. Project objectives. Project Scope. Project Strategy
- Project Planning. Work Breakdown Structure. Activity identification and estimation. Schedule
- Monitoring and controlling Projects.
- Closing Projects
- Enterprise Project Management Systems
Module 8 – Quality Management
- What is Quality and why is important
- Diagnosing Quality Problems
- Steps to ensure Conformance to Specification
- Total Quality Management
- What is TQM
- Quality Cost Model
- Service Level Agreements
- ISO 9000 Approach
- Statistical Process Control
- Control Charts
- Variation in process Quality
- Common causes, Process Capability
- Why variability is a bad thing?
Module 9 – Operations Improvement
- Why improvement is important?
- Elements of Improvement
- Breakthrough change
- Continuous Improvement
- Approaches to improvement: TQM, Lean, BPR, Six Sigma
- Improvement techniques
- Scatter Diagrams
- Process Maps
- Cause Effect Diagrams
- Pareto Diagrams
- Why Analysis
Obiective / Beneficii curs "Operations Management – Fundamentals"
La sfarsitul acestui curs participantii vor detine cunostintele necesare privind:
- Intelegerea activitatilor esentiale pentru managementul operatiunilor unei companii
- Pozitionarea managementului operational in contextul organizational si legatura cu celelalte procese: management strategic, management investitional / de portofoliu, management de proiect
- Activitatile si responsabilitatile managerilor de departamente functionale si managerului de operatiuni (COO)
- Stabilirea profilului operational al organizatiiei (cei 4 „V”) si influenta lui asupra celor 5 obiective de performanta operationala
- Intelegerea conceptelor, instrumentelor si modelelor necesare pentru:
- Managementul de produse
- Definirea si optimizarea proceselor; impactul tehnologiei
- Alegerea locului de desfasurare a proceselor operationale
- Proiectarea spatiului interior in functie de procesele operationale si profilul operational al organizatiei
- Definirea strategiei privind resursele necesare in procesele operationale (umane – numar si competente, echipamente, utilaje, materiale)
- Managementul capacitatii si deciziile strategice de corelare a capacitatii cu cererea (capacity vs demand)
- Managementul stocurilor.
- Managementul cozilor. Calculul timpilor de asteptare la coada, in timpul servirii, finalizare a unei comenzi
- Managementul lantului de furnizori
- Realizarea unui forecast realist
Audienta la cursul "Operations Management – Fundamentals"
- Echipe implicate in derularea operatiunilor
- Manageri de departamente functionale
- Manageri ai departamentelor operationale
- Responsabili cu Achizitiile
- Directori de productie. Directori de Calitate
Cunostinte preliminare necesare
Pentru a beneficia din plin de acest training recomandam urmatoarele cunostinte preliminare:
- experienta de lucru intr-o companie de min 1 an
* Preturile nu includ TVA.
* Pentru persoanele fizice NU se aplica TVA.
Programul cursului este zilnic 9:00 -17:00 (pentru cursurile cu instructor)
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